WEM students inducted into Minnesota Honor Society
The newly inducted Minnesota Honor Society members, front row, left to right: Natalie Elness, Kayla Bronk, and Grace Bartz. Current members, middle row, left to right: Kaedyn Judd, Annabelle Skurkay, Joselyn Brown, Addison Condon, Jaelyn Wilmes, and Abigail Crosby. Current members, back row, left to right: Auston Holicky, Briley Velzke, Tatum Richards, Claire Elness, and Clare Landrum. Not Pictured: Madeline Heuss and Loryn Caldwell. (Jay Schneider photo)
Three WEM High School students were inducted into the Minnesota Honor Society Friday, Dec. 13 at 7:45 a.m. in the Waterville auditorium.
Newly inducted members include junior Kayla Bronk, daughter of William and Lidia Bronk, and sophomores Grace Bartz, daughter of Joe and Heather Bartz and Natalie Elness, daughter of Troy and Aubrey Wetzel and Alec Elness.
The new inductees join senior members Madeline Heuss, daughter of Shawn and Brenda Heuss, Kaedyn Judd, daughter of Patrick and Karissa Judd, Briley Velzke, daughter of Bruce and Kristin Velzke, Loryn Caldwell, daughter of Joe and Rachelle Caldwell, Claire Elness, daughter of Troy and Aubrey Wetzel and Alec Elness, Annabelle Skurkay, daughter of Jason and Heidi Skurkay, and Tatum Richards, daughter of Mike and Carrie Richards; junior members Jocelyn Brown, daughter of Jerome and Carrie Brown, Addison Condon, daughter of Scott and Pam Condon, Abigail Crosby, daughter of Nikki Crosby and Kurt Crosby, Sr., Auston Holicky, son of Andy and Jennifer Holicky, Clare Landrum, daughter of Ryan and Katie Landrum, and Jaelyn Wilmes, daughter of Gerard Wilmes and Melissa Buske.
The Minnesota Honor Society (MHS) is an...
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