MACC celebrates 100 year at annual meeting; Board of directors is short four

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Kolacky Day royalty celebrates with the Montgomery Area Community Club on their 100th anniversary at the annual meeting. Picture from the left are 2nd Princess Anastasia Stasney, Kolacky Days Queen Alice Schroeder, 1st Princess and Miss Congeniality Xiani Medina.
The Montgomery Area Community Club (MACC) celebrated its 100th anniversary during their annual membership meeting on Monday, Nov. 13.
MACC was founded on March 7, 1923. On Feb. 23, 1923, a businessmen’s meeting that was held at city hall discussed the matter of forming an organization. A “fair sized crowd” showed up for it and it was said that those in attendance were “very keen” to the forming of it, according to the article in the March 2, 1923, Messenger.
During the meeting a committee was formed with members J. H. Lebens, E. E. Westerman, W. P. Becker and John Kaisersatt, Jr. It was said that the committee would hold a meeting Wed., March 7, and it was expected that they would “complete the organization at this meeting and every merchant in the city should be in attendance.”
The March 9, 1923, Messenger states that the organization in the name of “Montgomery Community Club” was launched. “The club will make every effort forward for the betterment of the community,” it said within the article.
By May 4, 1923, there was talk about creating a park in the Messenger. It was stated that at the club’s regular meeting that, “The most important topic before the meeting was the proposed park and tourist camp.”
Montgomery Community Club decided to go forward with creating a park and tourist camp and sought out locations for it. The chosen location was the present day Memorial Park.
The July 20, 1923, Messenger shows that they had made and agreement for the purchase of land from George Richter, of Puyallup, Wash., on the southeast corner of the city, for purposes of creating the park and tourist camp. At the time, the railroad was very active, and Highway 13 did not route through the city the way it did. Highways 13 and 21 took a route along 5th Street East and north, following the present day County 3. Both highways went right by the location, making it an ideal spot.
A tourist camp and park of 11 acres was set up. The purchase price was $5,000, to be paid for by the club. The American Legion made the first $500 annual payment on the park, and the contract stated that when the agreement had been paid off, ownership would transfer to the city.
With future payments on the park needing to be made, the club planned a series of events, along with some organized by the American Legion, to raise funds to assist in making those payments. The City of Montgomery also created a park board of Fred Elftman, J. A. Kaisersatt and Elmer Westerman, to control, supervise and manage all city parks at the July 23, 1923, city council meeting .
The first event was an indoor concert and dance at the Casino on Oct. 12, 1923, at 8 p.m., which was said to be “packed to the door.” The Casino is presumably the White Front Casino as seen in other issues of the Messenger during that time.
The Montgomery Concert Band gave the concert. The famed local Star Orchestra played for the dance following, and they played well after midnight. All proceeds from the concert and dance were donated to the park fund.
The land was presumably paid off at the 10-year mark, as there were still notes showing annual payments being made yet in 1930, with plenty of funds available. Funds in excess of $600 were available for an annual 4th of July celebration the club hosted at the time and Kolacky Days, well above what their annual payment to Richter was.
Montgomery Community Club in its first years had over 200 members annually, and members were given physical membership cards every year. The park is one of the longest-surviving and most locally impactful accomplishments of the club, besides Kolacky Days.
MACC Annual Meeting
During the MACC’s annual meeting on Nov. 13, the three Kolacky Days royalty reported on the events and activities they been involved with as ambassadors.
Julie Hensel and John Krautkremmer were voted in as new directors on the board for one-year terms. Maureen Franek and Jean Franke were reappointed to the board of directors on three-year terms. Officers chosen for 2024 are President Tom Washa, Vice President Jill Skogerboe, Secretary Maureen Franek and Treasurer Abby Brockway. Other members on the board are Jake Edel and Executive Director Jill Westerman.
Lisa Schroeder resigned from the board after serving for 12 years. MACC thanked her for her years of service with them.
Four vacancies exist on the board, with one-year and three-year terms available. Anyone interested in being on the board of directors should come to their next meeting on Monday, Jan. 8 at 6 p.m. at the MACC office, 206 1st Street South, or contact
The club currently has 242 members. They gave out 30 donations to the local community totaling...
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