Elysian Enterprise

Write-in votes will settle who takes at least two open seats on Rice County’s townships boards. No affidavits for candidacy were filed in the 2025 race for Northfield Township treasurer, or to fill the term of the remaining year of the term for the Morristown Township clerk. The treasurer’s seat, a...

Jarrod Schoenecker photo

St. John Lutheran Church in Kilkenny as it stands today.

Churches around the nation have been struggling and closing in rather large numbers. The attendance at churches has dropped significantly. A Gallup poll published in 2024 showed that 43 percent of adults said they attended religious services in their 2000-2003 poll to just 30 percent in their 2021-...
Le Sueur County Sheriff Brett Mason, along with the Mounted Posse and The Sheriff’s Youth Project, have once again come together to launch the project, “Believe in the Magic of Christmas.” The project “will provide an opportunity for our community to come together and spread a little Christmas...
    This weekend was my first stop in Minneapolis. I had been around the fringes of the cities a few times, but this was my first time smack in the center.     As far as traffic goes, I would rank it better than Pittsburgh and Indianapolis.     I’ve never officially stopped in Indy before, but have...
The Miss Czech-Slovak Minnesota Pageant is now accepting applications for candidacy for junior ambassadors and queens for the 36th Annual Miss Czech-Slovak Minnesota Pageant. An informational open house will be held at the Montgomery Public Library, 104 Oak Ave, on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 12-1:30 p....

University of Minnesota Extension photo

Le Center’s Thomas Schatz took home a purple ribbon and was the reserve champion for this white speckled face ewe lamb at the Minnesota State Fair.

Minnesota 4-H youth exhibited 2,612 animals and 1900 general exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair this year. A total of 35 youth from Le Sueur County participated in the livestock exhibiting and 21 youth in the general 4-H exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair. Here are selected top results from the...
The Rice & Steele 911 Center, the emergency communications center serving Rice and Steele counties, has implemented Spark, an online reporting tool designed to streamline the process of reporting non-emergency incidents. This tool enables residents to easily and securely report issues such as...

Mike Mallow graphic

The Le Sueur County Board of Commissioners voted to take action on Parcels A, B and C that make up the Le Sueur County Fairgrounds.

A resolution to execute a Quit Claim was approved by the Le Sueur County Board of Commissioners during their regular meeting on Aug. 26. The land in question is the Le Sueur County Fairgrounds. The approval to take action on the parcels was first approved at the Le Sueur County Board of...
The content of public words and actions combined with a person’s/organization’s overall words and actions in private matters in the political realm, whose words and actions affect the lives of every person within that country. Organizations of the media, in particular, who are willing to continue...
Two of the things I dreaded most when we moved to Minnesota was the prospect of more snow and the potential for tornadoes. Snow was no stranger to West Virginia. We received plenty of it in some years. But I am not a fan. Trace amounts are plenty for me. I do enjoy those evenings when the snow is...
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