Kilkenny Fire Dept. ATV Run is Saturday

The annual Kilkenny Fire Department ATV Ride, which will be held Saturday, August 10, will feature a little different course this year.
Due to a change in the Le Sueur County ATV ordinance, the vehicles will not be allowed to ride in the ditches this year and will be traveling on the highways to their three destinations.
This is the eighth year the Kilkenny Fire Department has been in charge of the event. The ATV Run was started by the Kilkenny Park Committee 13 years ago. That first year approximately 200 vehicles were involved.
More than 400 machines and approximately 800 individuals are expected to participate in this year’s event.
Registration will begin at 10 a.m. at Little Irishman Park in Kilkenny, located behind St. Canice Catholic Church. The ride starts at 12:30 p.m. and this year will cover approximately 35 miles.
The three stops this year are at the City of Montgomery (numerous sites) at approx. 1 p.m., then to...
To see more on this story pick up the August 8, 2024 print edtion of the LifeEnterprise paper.