Three juveniles charged in October incident

Jay Schneider,

Charges have been officially filed in Le Sueur County Juvenile Court against three juveniles stemming from an incident which occurred in rural Madison Lake/Le Sueur County on October 9.

According to Le Sueur County Juvenile Court, the charges range from felony harassment based upon bias, gross misdemeanor 3rd Degree damage to property based upon race, and misdemeanor disorderly conduct.

Security cameras at the Chad Alladin residence in rural Le Sueur County showed a number of young people with toilet paper and some writing on Alladin’s son’s car Monday, Oct. 9.

Things written on the car depicted racist, homophobic, hate-filled language, and other graphic graffiti, including a swastica. The cameras showed clearly there were more than just a handful of young people at the Alladin residence.

Alladin made a decision to call Le Sueur County Sheriff’s Department Tuesday following the actions which took place somewhere between 11 and 11:30 p.m. that evening.

The Le Sueur County Sheriff’s Department investigated the incident and following their completion of the findings, their information was forwarded to the Le Sueur County Attorney’s Office. Last week they made their final decision on who and what...

To see more on this story pick up the December 21, 2023 print edition of the LifeEnterprise paper. 



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