Torchlight Medallion Hunt Clue Week 4
Week 4 Clue
“While Eileen hoped someone depicted Pine Tree, Vermont, from White Christmas.”
Week 3 Clue - “Max advised he was more interested in seeing Buddy from Elf growing up.”
Week 2 Clue - “As they were checking out the window displays, Mikayla stated her favorite Christmas movie was Home Alone 2. She hopes someone depicted the scene when the pigeon lady throws bird seed on the Sticky Bandits.”
Week 1 Clue - “Eileen, Max, Mikayla, and Ruby were excited for the upcoming Torchlight Parade and Fireworks on Nov. 30. Besides seeing nearly 50 lighted floats and checking out the window displays depicting Christmas movies, they have an opportunity to search for the holiday medallion hidden somewhere in Montgomery.”
If you find the medallion, bring it to the Messenger office at 310 1st Street South or call 507-364-8601. Finders of the medallion will receive $100 in Monty Bucks! Look for the next clue in the Dec. 21 Montgomery Messenger if the medallion isn’t found.