Trojan grapplers win TCU Invite Three wrestlers win individual titles
In the 182 bracket, Jake Tracte picks up Tri-City United’s Riley O’Malley during the semi-final match. Tracte won the match by a 4-2 decision and went on to take first place in the weight class in the tournament. (Andrea Nelson photo)
For the second time this season, the 5th ranked New Prague wrestling team has returned from a tournament with hardware.
The Trojans had 17 top six finishers, including three champions, winning the Tri City United Invitational Saturday, Jan. 4 in Montgomery.
Koy Buesgens (106), Colton Bornholdt (113), and Jake Trachte (182) each claimed individual titles.
New Prague, the 5th ranked Class AAA team, edged No. 3 rated Class AA Fairmont/Martin County West, 246.5 to 235.5 to claim the team title. Tri City United finished third (161), Albert Lea Area fourth (104.5), and Plainview-Elgin-Millville fifth (97).
Buesgens improved to 23-1 this season with four victories, including an injury default over Evan Farley of New Prague in the championship bout. Farley and Buesgens are both freshmen.
Bornholdt improved to 21-4 overall with a 5-2 decision over Derek Steele of Sibley East. Steele entered the tourney undefeated until Bornoldt, a freshmen defeated him in the title bout.
Trachte improved to 19-4 overall with his 182 pound championship. He pinned Avery Northquest of Lake Crystal-Wellcome Memorial in the championship. Northquest was the No. 1 seed and is ranked 8th in Class A at 195 pounds.
Placing second for the Trojans were...
To see more on this story pick up the January 9, 2020 print edition of The New Prague Times.