Budget cuts could hit class sizes, busing

As the New Prague School District works to whittle $3.5 million off its 2024-2025 operating budget, an early look at some of the proposed cuts will be dramatic and widespread.
Monday, Feb. 26, the district listed a few of the items under consideration in advance of a March 11 workshop where a broader list of proposed cuts will be presented for consideration in advance of a decision at the March 25, 6 p.m., business meeting. Superintendent Andy Vollmuth noted the presentation was to offer “a high-level overview of the structural budget adjustments we are considering.”
The proposed cuts floated at the meeting are likely a small piece of what’s coming next month. They addressed staffing and transportation – two of the district’s biggest costs. He and Sandy Linn, the district’s director of Business Services and Human Resources, cautioned the board that “once large structural adjustments are made, it will be very difficult if not impossible to restore them.”
For the complete story, see the Feb. 29 print edition of The New Prague Times.