A time for ‘Hometown Heroes’
Marty Deutsch of the Elko New Market Public Works Department installs one of 41 banners honoring local veterans, Monday morning, May 20, along Elko New Market’s Main Street. The banners will be up through Labor Day. (Patrick Fisher photo)
Those driving through Elko New Market Monday morning, May 20, likely saw crews from the public works department setting up 41 banners along Main Street. The banners honor local veterans and service members as part of the Hometown Heroes program.
The Elko New Market Fire Department’s fire relief association is overseeing the program.
“We’re really excited, this is a great thing for the community,” said Jodi Muelken, president of the fire relief association. She said the banners will be up through Labor Day.
The 8-inch by 36-inch colored banners will feature the names and most will feature the faces of veterans and service members. To be featured on a banner, applications had to be in by March. The banners cost $75 to produce with it being covered by the fire relief association.
Muelken said the fire relief association was inspired by the New Prague Veterans Memorial. “We wanted to do something in Elko New Market to honor veterans and service members,” she said. “This is a great start.”
The ENM Fire Department is partnering with the city to display the banners. The city is responsible for putting up and taking down the banners. The banners will be returned to the fire relief association which will give the banners to the service members or their families.